Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Hand Drawn Floral of my own design

Because my style is very traditional and fairly tight! People often assume these designs are ripped right out of a decoupage source book of some kind or that they are imitations from other existing designs. This is not the case!! and its because I put so much work into this stuff, that I need to repeatedly make this point. Of course my work is inspired by 17th/18th century botanical prints, but its all my work. More details of my processes will be included on my website which is very nearly there...

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Mouse Necklace!

While working in Boda Bar on leith walk, I spotted this guy in the bar playing with a mouse. Its his pet and he brings it out with him most places he goes, not sure why, maybe to attract strange girls like me!
I made a bee line for him and asked if it was indeed a mouse he had in his hands! It was and I asked if I could play with it.. please bare with me, I know how this is sounding, but as the above photo validates, it was a real mouse and I got a shot with him.